On my previous series of UpWork blog, I shared how UpWork made me a Millionaire and the Skills that are worth Millions. But still, the previous blogs is not enough to land a project with your humble accounts. So today, I’m gonna show you how to pitch and win a Project on UpWork. A simple but effective way of creating proposals.
Before we start, since I’m talking about applications, and proposals, let me inform you that UpWork recently made a huge game changer by adding a price to our connects. Yes! Since last week we need to purchase UpWork connects. Here’s the full Blog.
There are a lot of things to consider before you create a proposal, so let me start with…
1. Types or Contract.
If I were a client, what kind of contractor I’d be looking for?
First, UpWork has this function of selecting the types of Contractor clients prefer, from Entry Level, Intermediate, up to Expert Level. If they selected entry level contractors, they are looking for the cheapest contractors. Intermediate Level is a mix of experience and value. And, if they selected an Expert Level, they are willing to pay higher rates for the most experienced freelancers.
So, it is up to your works and self-assessment whether you are an Entry Level or an Expert?
2. Clients are Lazy.
I assume that most people that are reading this are aware of how UpWork platform works. I’m sure that most of you are tired of submitting applications or proposals. Since approximately 90% of it, you won’t even get a response. Well based on my observation, (not really sure about this one) it is better to get my applications declined because my connect fees are returned to my account.
When I say Clients are Lazy, What I mean is they are lazy to read all the applications to find their preferred contractor. How then were they able to find decent contractors? UpWork made this easy by giving them the best options by scraping the data out of contractors profile and rating. So it is essential to have a good cover letter, and your profile matters as well for you to be listed on the 1st page of applicants. I will elaborate this on my next blog.
3. Fixed Project
Job Posts has an initial rate fixed project. But that doesn’t mean that you cannot propose a different one. For example, if the project posted and has a budget of $300 but you feel that it was underquoted. You can tell this to the client and you can submit a proposal with a different amount.
I would also suggest that if the client has no background on UpWork, you can ask for a milestones. It’s for your security.
4. Other Notes to Win a Project on UpWork
Some of you might consider creating templates but I would suggest that instead of creating a template, create a format.
On my past years of submitting proposals, I tend to have 3 types of template for myself but it’s not as effective as this new one. I have a template for design, development and even for agency application. I used that over and over for the past year. Yes, it works but people are getting smarter and competition is getting higher.
Actual Proposal. How to Win a Project on UpWork?
1. Formal
2. Straight Forward
3. 1-Liner
Do you believe that these one-liner applications are winning clientele? YES! It does.
I would say that you need confidence every time that you pitch a project. You must know your thing and make sure that you read the whole clients brief. It is important to make them feel that you took an effort about reading and understanding the whole project brief before applying. As I said above, most of the clients are lazy to read a whole bunch of application or proposal. Straight forward applications are the best!
So what would be our next topic? If you have an idea, questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know. 🙂